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Structural Organisation In Plants And Animals - Biology Questions asked by Filo students

Question 66

Views: 5,538

Gynoechm is the female reproductive part of the flower and is made up of one or more carpels. A carpel consists of three parts namely stigma, style and ovary, Ovary is the enlarged basal part, on which lies the elongated tube, the style. The style connects the ovary to the stigma, The stigma is usually at the tip of the style and is the receptive surface for pollen grains. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to a flattened, cushion-like placenta. When more than one carpel is present, they may be free (as in lotus and rose) and are called apocarpous. They are termed syncarpous when carpels are fused, as in mustard and tomato. After fertilisation, the ovules develop into seeds and the ovary matures into a fruit. Placentation: The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known is placentation. The placentation are of different types namely, marginal, axile, parietal, basal, central and free central (Figure 5.16). In marginal placentation the placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules are borne on this ridge forming two rows, as in pea. When the placenta is axial and the ovules are attached to it in a multilocular ovary, the placentaion is taid to be axile, as in china rose, tomato and lemon. In parietal pheentation, the ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary or on peripheral part, Ovary is one-chambered but it becomes twochambered due to the formation of the false septum, e.g. mustard and Argemone, When the ovules are borne on central axis and septa are absent, as in Dianthus and Primrose the placentation is
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