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Question 145

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ation Bank Chapterwise & Topicwise, BIOLOGY, Class-XII 136 moth survived because of su background. s use Number of individuals with phenotype herbicides, of dane te peste Phenotypes favoured by natural, selection 0 Medium-sized individuals are favoured Peak gets higher and narrower eocean above. 7.7 HARDT-WEINBERG PRINCIPLE tresent the f ency of allele A and allele a. The frequency of AA dividuals in a population is simply p². This is simply stated in another alleles of a gene or a locus. This frequency is supposed to equencles, for example, can be named p. q. etc. In a diploid, p and q In a given population one can find out the frequency of oc and even remain the same through generations. Hardy-Weinbe and is constant from generation to generation. The gene pool by the probabilities, Le., p. Similarly of aa is q', of Aa 2pq. Hence. This principle says that allele frequencies in a populatie, ays. i.e.. the probability that an allele A with a frequency of p appear on and their alleles in a population) remains a constant. Th2pq+q=1. This is a binomial expansion of (p+q)2. When frequency genetic equilibrium. Sum total of all the allelic frequencies is Leasured, differs from expected values, the difference (direction) indicates stated it using algebraic equations. oth the chromosomes of a diploid individual is simply the product je extent of evolutionary change. Disturbance in genetic equilibrium, or ardy-Weinberg equilibrium, i.e.. change of frequency of alleles in a opulation would then be interpreted as resulting in evolution. Five factors are known to affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These re gene migration or gene flow, genetic drift. mutation. genetic combination and natural selection. When migration of a section of opulation to another place and population occurs. gene frequencies hange in the original as well as in the new population. New genes/alleles re added to the new population and these are lost from the old population. here would be a gene flow if this gene migration, happens multiple times. the same change occurs by chance. it is called genetic drift. Sometimes le change in allele frequency is so different in the new sample of population at they become a different species. The original drifted population ecomes founders and the effect is called founder effect. (a) Peak shifts in one direction Two peaks form nerally rich VOLUTION Ans. Option (A) IS Q.2. Assertion (A): Wings of Bird (c) OOK origin but similar function Wings of Birds and bats are example of Microbial experiments show that pre-existing advantageous utations when selected will result in observation of new phenotypes. ver few generations, this would result in Speciation Natural selection is process in which heritable variations enabling better survival are enabled reproduce and leave greater number of progeny. A critical analysis iakes us believe that variation due to mutation or variation due to combination during gametogenesis, or due to gene flow or genetic drift sults in changed frequency of genes and alleles in future generation. oupled to enhance reproductive success, natural selection makes it look ke different population. Natural selection can lead to stabilisation (in hich more individuals acquire mean character value), directional change nore individuals acquire value other than the mean character value) or Isruption (more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ads of the distribution curve) (Figure 7.8). 8 A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF EVOLUTION bout 2000 million years ago (mya) t first cellular forms of life appeared n earth. The mechanism of how non-cellular aggregates of giant Figure 7.8 Diagrammatic representation of the operation of natural selection on acromolecules could evolve into cells with membranous envelop is not nown. Some of these cells had the ability to release O₂. The reaction traits: (a) Stabilising (b) Directional and (c) Disruptive Ray المدرسة - الصيف المـلاة - 137
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