NEET Mock Test 2
Full syllabus mock test for NEET 2022
Total Marks
  • The Test pattern of NEET (UG)-2022 comprises of four subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Each subject will consist of two sections – Section A and Section B
  • Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 questions, out of these 15 Questions, candidates can choose to attempt any 10 Questions. So, the total number of questions and utilization of time will remain the same. Total marks of the exam will be 720.
  • Each question carries 04 (four) marks and, for each correct answer candidate will get 04 (four) marks. For each incorrect answer, 01(one) mark will be deducted from the total score.
  • To answer a question, the candidate has to find, for each question, the correct answer/ best option.
  • However, after the process of the challenge of key, if more than one option is found to be correct then all/any one of the multiple correct/best options marked will be given four marks (+4).
    • Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
    • Unanswered/Unattempted questions will be given no marks. In case, a question is dropped/ ignored, all candidates will be given four marks (+4) irrespective of the fact whether the question has been attempted or not attempted by the candidate.
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